The Fourth 926 Dog Lovers’ Day held in Shanghai


World Dog Alliance(WDA) is pleased to announce that the Fourth 926 Dog Lovers’ Day cum Genlin’s Painting Exhibition in Shanghai has been a massive success. The festival aims at promoting legislation against dog meat consumption and exacerbating the punishment for dog theft in China. Over 200 guests devoted to animal welfare, education, law and other influential fields joined us in this annual event to emphasize the importance of treating dogs with love and care.

The name “926 Dog Lovers’ Day” finds its roots in the Cantonese language. In Cantonese, the pronunciation of nine-two-six. is similar to “gau yi luk”, which means “dogs are always ready to please”.

Obviously the event’s topic revolved around our canine friends. The festival began with an exhibition presenting WDA’s founder Genlin’s paintings that illustrated dogs’ unconditional love for us and the cruelty of dog meat consumption. These helped the guests familiarize themselves with WDA’s purposes and the worldwide situation of dog meat.

Every great movement on this earth owes its growth to great orators. WDA seated the guests when the exhibition ended, and the highlight of the festival—Genlin’s talk show started in thunderous applause. The founder’s eloquent and elegant 3-hour speech won the hearts of the audience in the matter of seconds, and solidify their determination to bring an end to dog theft and dog meat consumption in China.

The grand celebration closed in cheerful chatters and a series of photo taking as Genlin bid his farewell to the participants.

For more videos and photos, stayed tuned for a complete press release of the event!