It is 26th September today, which is also the 8th 926 Dog Lovers’ Day. The Cantonese pronunciation of 926 has a meaning of ‘dogs are easily happy’. Genlin, Founder of World Dog Alliance (WDA), believes that dogs should be easily pleased, but many of them suffer from the barbaric habit of dog meat consumption. The WDA has advocating explicit legislation against such practice. Hopefully dogs are always happy when humans no longer eat dog meat!
Unfortunately, the 926 Dog Lovers’ Day celebration remains in Hong Kong again due to the pandemic of COVID-19. This year, the WDA has a book launch on its latest publication The World Dog Alliance’s Global Campaign: Asia, America and Europe, which is a written record on WDA’s worldwide campaigns.
Let’s wish the International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats would take effect soon. Dogs can be happy every day!