WDA X CARE: 2018隻Tori市政廳快閃


WDA X CARE: 2018隻Tori市政廳快閃

Tori是韓國動保組織 Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth / CARE 從狗肉市場救回的黑色小狗。韓國傳統上視黑狗不祥之物,文在寅總統於領養Tori,決意打破傳統。Tori今天出席活動,宣揚「狗狗不是食物」的信息。

希望大家支持韓國禁食狗肉,狗狗向你們呼喚:I am not food!
#Tori #Iamnotfood


Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor冬奧金牌得主領取Tori洋娃娃及領養證書。

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, crowd and outdoor超過30間主流媒體前來取得韓國國狗Tori的珍貴鏡頭。

Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

#Tori #Iamnotfood