On February 22, the Norwegian government revealed that due to a Parliamentary resolution, they are required to revise the Animal Protection Act. Currently, the Norwegian government consists of the Labor Party and the Center Party. Neither Party has done much concerning animal protection policy. Local animal protection groups view the Center Party as the worst in regard to animal protection. Even though the Center Party has its roots in an agricultural background. The government is drafting a white paper to amend the current law.
The International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Cats and Dogs, initiated by the World Dog Alliance (WDA), should be included in the revision.
The resolution states that the government must submit a white paper with the changes to parliament before next spring. The revised Animal Protection Act will serve as the blueprint for the future Animal Protection Bill. “We intend to meet with stakeholders before the summer break to hear their suggestions on the White Paper,” said Minister of Agriculture and Food Sandra Borch.
The internationally recognized WDA is honored to be invited to a meeting with the Government. A WDA representative will introduce the International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats. The WDA has already been in contact with several MPs who expressed their support for the inclusion of the International Agreement into the future Animal Protection Bill. The Parliamentary Committee on Business and Industry handles revising the law.
The WDA believes that Norway should sign the International Agreement because dogs and cats have been recognized as companion animals. The black-market industrial chain behind the
consumption of cats and dogs. This includes animal theft and smuggling. In Asia, 30 million dogs and cats are eaten each year. Many of these are tortured before they die due to an old belief that torturing them makes their meat more delicious.
The dog and cat meat ban is more than a political issue, it is a moral one. The WDA believes that the International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats will become an international treaty promoting cooperation among nations to contribute to the advancement of animal welfare.
On February 7, 2020, 30 bipartisan Congressmen sent a letter to then-President Donald Trump, asking him to initiate the International Agreement.
On March 2 and November 24 of 2020, 67 lawmakers in the UK and 34 in Japan signed a letter to their heads of government. The letter demonstrated their support for the International Agreement.
In 2021, four members of the Norwegian and Swedish Parliaments signed a letter to their Prime Ministers requesting their governments to initiate the International Agreement. The WDA’s idea is being openly recognized by global politicians.