Purebred Dogs Labelled “Meat Dogs” in China


Purebred Dogs Labelled “Meat Dogs” in China

While animal activists worldwide are inspired that a South Korean congressman has introduced an amendment that may obsolete the word “Meat Dog” permanently in the country, large dog breeds including Tibetan mastiff, Great Dan, St. Bernard, and Rottweiler are falling victims to Chinese dog meat industry’s growth and prosperity.

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This dog farm website located in Shandong explicitly labels Great Dan and St. Bernard “Meat Dogs”, and their puppies are bred for human consumption.


Are dogs “companion animals” or “livestock”? A South Korean dog meat farmer shamelessly blurted that Don Dogs are meant to be eaten, because rarely any households would adopt dogs of large size. Chinese dog meat dealers present western breeds, such as Great Dan, St. Bernard, and Rottweiler, and the Chinese breed, Tibetan mastiff, the most economically efficient Meat Dogs.

This St. Bernard puppy will be ready-to-eat when it is 4 to 5 months old.

We lack official data to conclude the number of dog farms and breeding grounds in China, but most are located in Shandong and Jiangsu. A dealer revealed, “A dog meat maniac is spreading over our country, except we have not discovered a breed dedicated for human consumption.” His statement proved that Chinese dog meat industry started with abundant demand. Dog farms were promptly established to meet the desire of customers while dealers were searching for breeds perfect for consumption. China is attempting to wipe the stigma attached to dog meat involving “theft and robbery of pet dogs” by rationalizing certain breeds as livestock.